How to get ready

To prevent your visit of the Fair to become just aimless wandering between booths, it is good to prepare in advance. Those preparations will take an hour and be sure that they will pay off.

In the first place it is good to create or to update your CV. Google the way a correct CV should look like.

Make clear, what companies and what offers are you looking for. Go check the list of exhibitors on Online Career Fair Guide. The fields filter makes your research easier. You will get the printed Career Fair Guide together with the map of the fair at the entry.

Don´t forget that first impression makes a lot. Therefore, it is good to iron your better shirt and to change your holey jeans for trousers. Decent make-up and not very provocative clothes are better for ladies.

Venue University of West Bohemia in Pilsen

Univerzitni 2795/26, 301 00 Plzen,
Southern Suburbs Plzen Region

Západočeská univerzita SUS ZČU IAESTE

Stavovská unie studentů

Petr Břicháček
+420 608 313 102


Anna Doudová
+420 723 634 553

Radovan Kouřil
+420 774 555 139